Quantum communication
Quantum teleportation
-programmed photons
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A photon does not "recognize" time because according to the theory of relativity, from a photon's perspective, time does not pass at all; as it travels at the speed of light, time dilation becomes infinite, meaning for a photon, the moment of emission and absorption are essentially simultaneous, experiencing no passage of time in between.
method below
data stored in 2D hologram until required
reproduction of subjects on demand
accelerate simulated time for photon programming
similar https://seas.harvard.edu/news/2019/01/programming-light-chip
gif by Pi-Slices |
optical microstructures, on-chip lithium niobate modulators
entangled massless particle spacetime folding
make use of ER=EPR
# for reconfiguration seclude subject consciousness for simulated time [yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm,ss]
# adjust clock frequency (rate)