
AI gene editing tools have power to modify human DNA, say researchers | ...

AI gene editing tools have power to modify human DNA, say researchers | ...

Mars Perseverance Sol 1171: Right Mastcam-Z Camera stitch


Mars Perseverance Sol 1171: Right Mastcam-Z Camera stitch

NASA's Mars Perseverance rover acquired these images using its Right Mastcam-Z camera. Mastcam-Z is a pair of cameras located high on the rover's mast.

Images acquired on June 6, 2024 (Sol 1171) at the local mean solar time of 14:38:21 to 14:44:10.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU

Assembled by Barley Culiner with Microsoft ICE

Additional editing with GIMP

Target 67P/C-G gif


Target 67P/C-G



Assembled by Barley Culiner with GIMP

Mission Rosetta
RosettaOrbiterALICES. A. Stern (SwRI, Boulder, USA)
  CONSERTW. Kofman (LPG, Grenoble, France)
  COSIMAM. Hilchenbach (MPS, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany)
  GIADAA. Rotundi (Università degli studi di Napoli “Parthenope”)
  MIDASM. Bentley (IWF, Graz, Austria)
  MIROM. Hofstadter (NASA/JPL, Pasadena, USA)
  NAVCAMThe NAVCAM is commanded by the Rosetta Flight Dynamics and Flight Control Teams at ESOC. The data were processed and archived by the Rosetta Science Ground Segment (SGS) and the Planetary Science Archive Team (PSA) at ESAC.
  OSIRISH. Sierks (MPS, Goettingen, Germany)
  ROSINAK. Altwegg (University of Bern, Switzerland)
  RPCICAH. Nilsson (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden)
  RPCIESJ. Burch (SwRI, San Antonio, TX., USA)
  RPCLAPA. Eriksson (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden)
  RPCMAGK-H Glassmeier (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
  RPCMIPP. Henri (LPC2E/CNRS, Orléans, France)
  RSIM. Paetzold (University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany)
  VIRTISF. Capaccioni (IAPS-INAF, Rome, Italy)
 Philae LanderAPXSG. Klingenhoefer (Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany)
  CIVAJ.P. Bibring (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France)
  CONSERTW. Kofman (LPG, Grenoble, France)
  COSACF. Goesmann (MPS, Goettingen, Germany)
  MUPUST. Spohn (DLR, Germany)
  PTOLEMYI. Wright (Open University, UK)
  ROLISS. Mottola (DLR, Germany)
  ROMAPH-U. Auster (Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany)
  SD2A. Ercoli-Finzi, (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

M. Knapmeyer (DLR, Germany)

 AncillaryShape ModelThe shape models have been produced using data from the OSIRIS and NAVCAM instruments. Consult the CITATION_DESC in the label of each product you use and

Other Worlds, Episode 2: Europa

Other Worlds, Episode 2: Europa

SRI researchers seek to produce food with air, water, and electricity


Food from Air for Distributed Meals (FADR) seeks to produce nutritious food on demand, aiding disaster relief efforts and military operations.

In a humanitarian crisis, people may be cut off from food sources and critical supply chains. Relief efforts must include sufficient provisions to support those affected by the disaster, as well as military and emergency personnel. These resources create a serious logistical burden and take up space that could be used for other necessities.

Cornucopia: DARPA selects performers to develop on-demand delicious, nutritious microbial food

Target 67P/C-G gif


Target 67P/C-G



Assembled by Barley Culiner with GIMP

Mission Rosetta
RosettaOrbiterALICES. A. Stern (SwRI, Boulder, USA)
  CONSERTW. Kofman (LPG, Grenoble, France)
  COSIMAM. Hilchenbach (MPS, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany)
  GIADAA. Rotundi (Università degli studi di Napoli “Parthenope”)
  MIDASM. Bentley (IWF, Graz, Austria)
  MIROM. Hofstadter (NASA/JPL, Pasadena, USA)
  NAVCAMThe NAVCAM is commanded by the Rosetta Flight Dynamics and Flight Control Teams at ESOC. The data were processed and archived by the Rosetta Science Ground Segment (SGS) and the Planetary Science Archive Team (PSA) at ESAC.
  OSIRISH. Sierks (MPS, Goettingen, Germany)
  ROSINAK. Altwegg (University of Bern, Switzerland)
  RPCICAH. Nilsson (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden)
  RPCIESJ. Burch (SwRI, San Antonio, TX., USA)
  RPCLAPA. Eriksson (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden)
  RPCMAGK-H Glassmeier (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
  RPCMIPP. Henri (LPC2E/CNRS, Orléans, France)
  RSIM. Paetzold (University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany)
  VIRTISF. Capaccioni (IAPS-INAF, Rome, Italy)
 Philae LanderAPXSG. Klingenhoefer (Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany)
  CIVAJ.P. Bibring (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France)
  CONSERTW. Kofman (LPG, Grenoble, France)
  COSACF. Goesmann (MPS, Goettingen, Germany)
  MUPUST. Spohn (DLR, Germany)
  PTOLEMYI. Wright (Open University, UK)
  ROLISS. Mottola (DLR, Germany)
  ROMAPH-U. Auster (Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Germany)
  SD2A. Ercoli-Finzi, (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

M. Knapmeyer (DLR, Germany)

 AncillaryShape ModelThe shape models have been produced using data from the OSIRIS and NAVCAM instruments. Consult the CITATION_DESC in the label of each product you use and make sure that you cite / acknowledge the relevant data producer listed there.