Volume DWNCLCFC2_2 Version 2
Dawn FC2 Ceres Encounter LAMO Clear Filter Mosaics
Data Set
Brief Disk Description
This volume is one of three volumes that contain Ceres image
mosaics. It includes various Ceres global and quadrangle mosaics
derived from clear images acquired by the Framing Camera 2 (FC2) on the
NASA Dawn spacecraft during the low altitude mapping orbits (LAMO).
Global mosaics are provided in equidistant cylindrical and stereographic
projections. Mercator and Lambert conformal projections are used for the
equatorial and mid-latitude quadrangle mosaics respectively.
The other volumes contain the remainder of the data set (HAMO color
global mosaics and HAMO clear global mosaics, quadrangles, and atlas).
This is the 2nd release of this volume (version 2). This version
includes a 62 tile LAMO atlas (DOCUMENT/LAMO_ATLAS_62/*.PDF) that was
not available at the time of the initial release.
Dawn mission is equipped with two identical framing cameras (FC1 & FC2)
[SIERKSETAL2011] which have one clear filter and seven band pass
filters. At Ceres, only the FC2 was used to acquire science images while
the FC1 was held in reserve. Clear filter images which were taken during
HAMO were used to produce a global mosaic of the illuminated part of
Ceres with a resolution of ~140 m/pixel [ROATSCHETAL2016]. Dawn orbited
Ceres in 6 cycles between the middle of August and the middle November,
2015. A cycle is a single complete mapping of surface at a fixed
attitude. The framing camera took about 2490 clear filter images with a
the HAMO mapping phase. The images were taken with different
viewing angles and different illumination conditions in order to provide
input to the stereo-photogrametric [PREUSKERETAL2016] and
stereo-photoclinometric analysis of the Ceres topography. All 386 images
from the first cycle, plus a few from the second cycle to fill gaps,
were used to to produce a global mosaic of Ceres with a resolution of
140 m/pixel, along with a 15-tile atlas at a scale of 1:750,000.
In LAMO (low altitude mapping orbit), only clear filter images were
acquired for the the first ~4 nadir mapping cycles. Later in LAMO, clear
filter images were acquired at various off-nadir angles. Color imaging
was limited to a few selected targets during off-nadir cycles because
of data storage, downlink, and image smear limitations. At low Ceres
altitude the combination of long exposures times and rapid Dawn motion
relative to Ceres made smearing a significant concern for the various
color filters while the clear filter smear was sub-pixel. No global
or quadrangle mosaics can be created from the limited number of LAMO
color images.
is critical to the understanding of the planned Ceres observations and
science objectives. The calibration procedure and files are identical
to those applied to the Vesta data.
There are several key publications that describe the data processing
and image mosaicking. These include:
Roatsch,T., E. Kersten,K.-D. Matz,F. Preusker, F. Scholten,
R. Jaumann,C.A. Raymond, C.T.Russell, High-resolution Ceres High
Altitude Mapping Orbit Atlas derived from Dawn Framing Camera images,
Planetary and Space Sciences, in press, 2016.
Preusker,F., F. Scholten, K.-D Matz, S. Elgner, R.Jaumann, T. Roatsch,
S.P. Joy, C.A. Polanskey, C.A. Raymond, and C.T. Russell,
Dawn at Ceres - Shape model and Rotational State, Planetary and Space
Sciences, in press, 2016.
Schroeder, S. E., T. Maue, P.Gutierrez-Marques, S. Mottola,
K.M. Aye, H. Sierks, H.U. Keller, A. Nathues, A. In-fight
Calibration of the Dawn Framing Camera. Icarus 226, p1304-1317,
Schroeder, S.E., S. Mottola, H.U. Keller, C.A. Raymond,
C.T. Russell, Resolved photometry of Vesta reveals physical
properties of crater regolith, Planetary and Space Sciences,
85, 198-213, 2013.
Schroeder, S.E., S. Mottola, K.-D. Matz, T. Roatsch,
In-flight calibration of the Dawn Framing Camera II:
Flat fields and stray light correction, Icarus, 234, 99-108.
Polanskey, C., S. Joy, and C. Raymond, "Dawn Ceres Mission: Science
Operations Performance", SpaceOps 2016 Conference, SpaceOps
Conferences, (in press).
Polanskey, C., S. Joy, and C. Raymond, "Efficacy of the Dawn Vesta
Science Plan", SpaceOps 2012 Conference, SpaceOps Conferences,
All data are stored in the 'DATA' branch of the directory tree. In addition
to the data files, ancillary information is stored in an attached PDS label.
Additional copies of the data in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)format can
be found in the EXTRAS directory of this volume. Some users may find this
format easier to work with in some software packages such as ArcGIS.
Users of these data are encouraged to acknowledge both the PDS and the
principal investigators of the instruments whose data is used in analysis
in all publications.
File Naming Conventions
Data and browse images on this volume conform to the following naming
CE is literal for Ceres
PHASE is either HAMO or LAMO
T is either Q (quadrangle) or G (global)
LAT is the center latitude of the image
LONG is the center longitude of the image
PROJ is the map projection type (CYL=cylindrical, STE=stereographic,
LAM=Lambert, MER-Mercator)
TYPE is the image type (CLR = clear filter 1, FILTx, X=1-8 is a
single filter color mosaic)
Ceres LAMO quadrangle centered at 0N latitude, 108E longitude using a
Mercator projection in the clear filter.
Volume Set Information
This volume is part of the FC2 high level data volume set. This volume set
includes the following volumes:
Volume ID Description
DWNVFC2_2 Dawn FC2 L2/3 Vesta Encounter mosaics
DWNVSPG_2 Dawn FC2 L2/L3 Vesta stereo-photogrammetric DTM
DWNVSPC_2 Dawn FC2 L2/L3 Vesta stereo-photoclinometric DTM
DWNCHCFC2_2 Dawn FC2 L2/3 Ceres HAMO clear mosaics
DWNCHFFC2_2 Dawn FC2 L2/3 Ceres HAMO color filter mosaics
==> DWNCLCFC2_2 Dawn FC2 L2/3 Ceres LAMO clear mosaics
DWNCHSPG_2 Dawn FC2 L2/L3 Ceres HAMO stereo-photogrammetric DTM
DWNCHSPC_2 Dawn FC2 L2/L3 Ceres HAMO stereo-photoclinometric DTM
DWNCLSPG_2 Dawn FC2 L2/L3 Ceres LAMO stereo-photogrammetric DTM
DWNCLSPC_2 Dawn FC2 L2/L3 Ceres LAMO stereo-photoclinometric DTM
Mission Facts
The 'Dawn Ceres Science Phases' table below provides a list Dawn Ceres
Encounter mission phase start dates.
Dawn Ceres Science Phases
start date (DOY) Phase Name (ID)
2015-06-04 (155) CERES SCIENCE SURVEY (CSS)
2015-07-01 (182) CERES TRANSFER TO HAMO (CTH)
2015-08-17 (228) CERES SCIENCE HAMO (CSH)
2015-10-23 (296) CERES TRANSFER TO LAMO (CTL)
2015-12-16 (350) CERES SCIENCE LAMO (CSL)
2016-06-19 (171) End of prime mission
File Formats
The data files on this volume are formatted as PDS images (.IMG, binary)
with attached PDS3 labels. The PDS label contains information
describing spacecraft, target, and data record format. Even though the PDS
labels are attached to the files, they can be viewed in a text editor.
A data set description, instrument description, and other PDS documents
are in .CAT files in the /CATALOG directory.
Additional documentation is generally located in the DOCUMENT directory.
Note for Windows users:
In more recent versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system the .CAT by
default is reserved as 'Security Catalog.' The .CAT files contained in
this volume are ASCII text files, and can be read by any form of text editor.
To make Windows open files with this name extension as text files, do the
following. To make Windows open files with this name extension as text files
right click the .CAT file, select with and choose a text editor to open the
Every effort has been made to insure that the data and documentation are of
the best possible quality. However, mistakes are inevitable. There is a file
called ERRATA.TXT found at the root level of this volume which contains a list
of known deficiencies or caveats associated with data on this volume at the
time this volume was produced.
Volume Contents and Structure
This section describes the volume structure and naming conventions. Below is
a tree diagram of the volume, followed by a description of the directory
function and key files in each directory.
DWNCLCFC2_2 (root directory)
|- AAREADME.TXT Describes volume contents, and organization (this file)
|- ERRATA.TXT Describes known deficiencies or caveats in the data or
| on this volume.
|- VOLDESC.CAT High level description of volume contents.
|- [BROWSE] Contains a JPG images of the data located in the DATA branch
| of this volume. More information on the contents of this
| directory is provided in the file /BROWSE/BROWINFO.TXT.
|- [CATALOG] PDS catalog files containing information describing the
| data, instrument, instrument personnel, relevant references,
| the spacecraft, and mission. More information on the contents
| of this directory is provided in the file
|- [DATA] Contains the data files.
|- [DOCUMENT] Contains documents describing the instrument, and data
| acquisition, processing, and usage. More information on the
| contents of this directory is provided in the file
|- [EXTRAS] Contains files which facilitate the use of the data on the
| disk, but which are not actually required for the use or
| understanding of those data. A more detailed description of
| the contents of this directory is provided in the file
|- [INDEX] Contains a table of contents for all files located on this
| volume, and the volume set to date. A more detailed
| description of the contents of this directory is provided in
This volume was produced for the Planetary Data System (PDS) at the Small
Bodies node. The data, and associated metadata were supplied by Dr. Thomas
Roatsch, DLR Berlin-Adlershof. The volume was assembled at the Dawn Science
Center (DSC), by Joseph N. Mafi.
For questions or problems regarding the volume, please contact Carol Neese
at the PDS Small Bodies Node:
Email neese@psi.edu
Telephone 520-622-6300
Mail Carol Neese
Planetary Science Institute
1700 E. Ft. Lowell, Ste. 106
Tuscon, AZ 85719-2395
For question regarding the data, please contact Dr. Thomas Roatsch of DLR:
Email thomas.roatsch@dlr.de
Telephone +49 30 67055-0
Mail DLR Berlin-Adlershof
RutherfordstraBe 2
12489 Berlin
For questions regarding PDS Standards or other archives available from the
PDS, please contact PDS Operator at the PDS Engineering Node (at JPL):
Email pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov
Telephone 818-354-4321
Mail Planetary Data System, PDS Operator
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mail Stop 202-101
4800 Oak Grove Dr.
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
The PDS assumes no legal liability for errors on this disk. All users are
encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any
publications or other work based on these data. Please report errors on this
disk to the Small Bodies Node of the PDS through the ERRATA reporting
procedures described above.