
SMART-1 video









Assembled by Barley Culiner with GIMP


SMART-1 AMIE Jean-Luc Josset (Space Exploration Institute, Neuchatel, Switzerland)

  D-CIXS M. Grande (University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK)

  SIR Uwe Keller (Max Planck Institute, Germany)

  SPEDE Anssi Malkki (Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland)

  XSM Juhani Huovelin (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)

Sol 4306: Mast Camera (Mastcam) stitch


Sol 4306: Mast Camera (Mastcam) stitch

Images taken by MAST_LEFT onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4306  (2024-09-16T12:48:34.000Z) to (2024-09-16T12:50:12.000Z)

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Assembled by Barley Culiner with Microsoft ICE

Sol 4306: Mast Camera (Mastcam) stitch

Images taken by MAST_LEFT onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4306 (2024-09-16T12:50:50.000Z) to (2024-09-16T12:52:49.000Z)

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Assembled by Barley Culiner with Microsoft ICE

Starlink radiation makes stealth target visible, possibly useful data compilation

Starlink radiation makes stealth target visible, possibly useful data compilation

Starlink radiation makes stealth target glow on Chinese radar: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41554291


Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

NR5G-SAM: A SLAM Framework for Field Robot Applications Based on 5G New Radio: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/11/5354


trick RADARs by creating a massive target


Anti-SLAM plug-a-hole

Absorb and release the exact signal so as to disappear

spoofing signal algorithm, predictive signal release 

Use of craft geometry and RF absorption and reflection as well as retransmitting the signal hole/blank

Craft alloy or paint plus resending the signal to plug the hole

Stealth craft skin will likely need instantaneous absorption and transmission capabilities 

Star Link type receiver under craft's stealth paint
likely optical PCB fiber optic cable 0 latency receiver/transmitters
super cooled possible
possible no traditional electronics but 0 latency crystal for object pass-through, ie wings

with optical PCB, fiber optic cabling, clear solid state energy storage this is close to reality
Drone with no pilot would be required
aluminum glass
3D-carbon diamond nanothread craft
Solid-State Pathway Control via Reaction-Directing Heteroatoms: Ordered Pyridazine Nanothreads through Selective Cycloaddition

EM waves should pass through craft with 0 latency
Structural, electronic and mechanical properties of double core carbon nanothreads

would an aircraft made of Pyridazine Nanothreads be invisible to radar?

Pyridazine Nanothreads and Radar Invisibility: A Theoretical Exploration
The short answer is: it's theoretically possible, but highly challenging.

Pyridazine nanothreads, a type of organic molecular nanomaterial, are known for their unique properties, including high strength and conductivity. However, whether or not an aircraft made from these materials would be invisible to radar is a complex question that involves several factors:

1. Radar Absorption:
Dielectric Properties: The dielectric properties of a material determine how it interacts with electromagnetic waves. If pyridazine nanothreads can be engineered to have specific dielectric properties that absorb or scatter radar waves, it could potentially reduce radar visibility.
Material Composition: The composition of the nanothreads, including any additives or dopants, could also influence their radar-absorbing properties.
2. Material Structure:
Nanothread Arrangement: The way the nanothreads are arranged within the aircraft's structure could affect its radar signature. For example, a highly porous or layered structure might scatter radar waves in various directions, making detection more difficult.
3. Radar Wavelengths:
Frequency Dependence: The invisibility of an aircraft to radar depends on the specific frequency of the radar. A material might be invisible to certain radar frequencies but detectable by others.
4. Technological Challenges:
Manufacturing: Creating an aircraft-sized structure from pyridazine nanothreads would be a significant engineering challenge. The material would need to be produced in large quantities and assembled with precision.
Weight and Strength: While pyridazine nanothreads are strong, ensuring that an aircraft made from them is both lightweight and structurally sound would be crucial.
In conclusion, while the theoretical possibility of a radar-invisible aircraft made from pyridazine nanothreads exists, the practical challenges are substantial. Research and development in this area would be necessary to determine if this concept is feasible and if the potential benefits outweigh the costs and risks.

Would you like to explore other potential materials or technologies for radar-invisible aircraft?


aircraft invisible to SLAM?

Aircraft Invisibility to SLAM: A Complex Challenge
SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) systems use a combination of sensors (like cameras or lidar) and algorithms to build a map of an environment while simultaneously determining the location of the system within that map. This is a critical technology in many fields, including robotics and autonomous vehicles.   

Making an aircraft invisible to SLAM would require it to:

Avoid detection by sensors: This could involve:

Reducing or eliminating: Radar, infrared, and optical signatures.
Using materials: That absorb or scatter sensor signals.
Employing countermeasures: Like jamming or spoofing sensor signals.
Manipulate the SLAM algorithm: This might involve:

Introducing false data: To confuse the algorithm's map-building process.
Exploiting vulnerabilities: In the SLAM algorithm itself.
While these are challenging goals, some potential approaches include:

Stealth technology: As used in military aircraft, to reduce radar, infrared, and optical signatures.   
Adaptive camouflage: That can change the appearance of the aircraft to blend in with its surroundings.   
Sensor jamming or spoofing: To disrupt the SLAM system's ability to gather accurate data.
Cybersecurity measures: To protect the SLAM system from being manipulated or compromised.
However, it's important to note that:

SLAM systems are constantly evolving: New algorithms and sensor technologies are being developed that may make it more difficult to evade detection.   
Multiple sensors: SLAM systems often rely on multiple sensors, making it harder to completely blind them.   
Environmental factors: The environment can also play a role in detectability. For example, a cluttered environment may make it easier for an aircraft to hide.
In conclusion, while it's possible to reduce an aircraft's visibility to SLAM systems, it's unlikely that any single technology will provide complete invisibility. A combination of approaches may be necessary to achieve a significant level of stealth.

-Barley & Gemini

Experimental Demonstration of Surface Plasmon Polaritons Reflection and Transmission Effects: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6864529/

#lockheedmartin #northropgrumman

Luna Projects

Far-side crater radio telescope

Luna solar energy farm
to power interstellar craft by laser

and solar sail

Sol 4306: Left Navigation Camera stitch


Sol 4306: Left Navigation Camera stitch

Images taken by NAV_LEFT_B onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4306 (2024-09-16T12:45:35.000Z) to (2024-09-16T12:55:09.000Z)

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Assembled by Barley Culiner with Microsoft ICE

Sol 4306: Left Navigation Camera stitch

Images taken by NAV_LEFT_B onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 4306 (2024-09-16T13:05:52.000Z) to  (2024-09-16T13:08:41.000Z)

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Assembled by Barley Culiner with Microsoft ICE

BepiColombo Mercury


BepiColomboMMOMDMH. Shibata (Kyoto University, Japan)
  MGFW. Baumjohann (Austrian Space Science, Austria), A. Matsuoka (ISAS, JAXA, Japan)
  MPPEY. Saito (ISAS, Japan), M. Hirahara (Japan), J-A Sauvaud (IRAP, France), A. Coates (MSSL / UCL, UK), D. Delcourt (France)
  MSASII. Yoshikawa (University of Tokyo, Japan), O. Korablev (IKI, Russia)
  PWIY. Kasaba (Tohoku University, Japan), H. Kojima (Kyoto University, Japan), S. Yagitani (Kanazawa University, Japan), J.-L. Bougeret (Observatoire de Paris, France), L. Blomberg (KTH, Sweden), H. Matsumoto (Kyoto University, Japan)
 MPOBELAN. Thomas (University of Bern, Switzerland), T. Spohn (DLR, Germany)
  ISAV. Iafolla (INAF-IAPS, Italy)
  MAGD. Heyner (TU Braunschweig, Germany), C. Carr (Imperial College London, UK)
  MERTISH. Hiesinger (University of Münster, Germany), J. Helbert (DLR, Germany)
  MGNSI. Mitrofanov (IKI, Russia), L. Gurtvits (JIVE, The Netherlands)
  MIXSE. Bunce (University of Leicester, UK)K. Muinonen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
  MOREL. Iess (University of Rome, Italy), S. Asmar (JPL, USA)
  PHEBUSE. Quemerais (LATMOS, France), S. Okano (Tohoku University, Japan), O. Korablev (IKI, Russia)
  SERENAS. Orsini (INAF-IAPS, Italy), S. A. Livi (SWRI, USA), S. Barabash (IRF, Sweden), H. Lichtenegger (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria)
  SIMBIO-SYSG. Cremonese (INAF, Italy), F. Capaccioni (INAF-IAPS, Italy), P. Palumbo (INAF, Italy), Y. Langevin (IAS, France), A. Doressoundiram (LESIA, France)
  SIXSEmilia Kilpua (University of Helsinki, Finland), M. Grande (Aberystwyth University, UK)

Mission: Mars Express


Mission: Mars Express




Mars ExpressASPERA-3R. Lundin (Swedish Institute of Space Science, Kiruna, Sweden)
 HRSCG. Neukum (Freie Universitaet, Berlin, Germany)
 MARSISG. Picardi (Universita di Roma 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy), R. Orosei (IAPS, Rome, Italy) and J. Plaut (JPL, Pasadena, USA)
 MRSM. Paetzold (University of Cologne, Germany)
 OMEGAJ.P. Bibring (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France)
 PFSM. Giuranna (IAPS, Rome, Italy)
 SPICAMF. Montmessin (LATMOS, Paris, France)
 VMCA. Sanchez-Lavega (UPV-EHU, Bilbao, Spain)

Extracted by Barley Culiner with NASAView

Edited by Barley Culiner with GIMP